Application cycle is currently closed. Funds have been awarded to applicants.
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The Missouri NTIA Broadband Infrastructure Program (BIP) provided federal funding to make grants on a competitive basis for the deployment of broadband infrastructure. NTIA made $288,000,000 available for federal assistance under the Broadband Infrastructure Program. The State of Missouri partnered with several Missouri internet service providers to submit a joint application and was awarded $42 million in funding, the largest single award in the program. This program is not accepting new applications for funding. Construction is currently underway to bring service to more than 13,000 unserved and underserved locations through this program.
Do I Qualify?
This is a competitive grant program. The maximum grant award will be $10,000,000 in total across a subrecipients project applications. NTIA is not requiring applicants to provide a cost match; however prioritization will be given to projects for which the applicant is including a private funding match of at least 10% or more.
Eligible entities:
- Corporations, partnerships or limited liability companies registered in the State of Missouri
- Nonprofit organizations registered in the State of Missouri that own and/or operate broadband networks
- Political subdivisions of the State of Missouri that own and/or operate broadband networks; and
How Do I Apply?
Application cycle is currently closed. Funds have been awarded to applicants.
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