Do I Qualify?
How Do I Apply?
Need Help?
If your business is looking to grow, check out Missouri's Certified Sites located throughout the state. Each have been pre-qualified through a standardization process to meet the requirements of industry. For a site visit or more information about a specific location, connect with the specific contact featured on the links below. If you are a community hoping to have your site established and placed on the list, review and submit an application.
Missouri Certified Sites
- Bolivar Business Park, Bolivar
- Callaway Energy Centre, Fulton
- CenterPoint Intermodal Center - Phase I, Kansas City
- Ewing Industrial Park, Columbia [SOLD]
- Gerhart Industrial Park, Clinton
- Heartland Meadows II, Liberty [SOLD]
- Heartland Park, Macon
- Hinshaw East Site Columbia [SOLD]
- Howard County Industrial Park
- Hypoint West Industrial Park [SOLD]
- Independence Lake City Business Center
- Innovation Business Park, Kearney [SOLD]
- Joplin Crossroads Industrial Park
- KCI Intermodal Business Centre [SOLD]
- K-REDI Industrial Site, Kirksville
- Lakeside Technology Park, Hannibal
- Louisiana Industrial Park, Louisiana
- Masters Industrial Park, Salem
- Moberly Area Industrial Park, Moberly
- Montgomery City Industrial Park, Montgomery City
- Paris Industrial Park, Paris
- Partnership Business Park, Jefferson City
- Partnership Industrial Center West, Site 12, Springfield [SOLD]
- Poplar Bluff Industrial Site [SOLD]
- Riverside Horizons, Riverside [SOLD]
- Rolla Airport Industrial and Technology Park
- SEMO Industrial Park
- Sikeston Business Education and Technology Park
- Sikeston South Industrial Park
- Southpointe Business Park, Grandview (Kansas City) [SOLD]
- Sutter Industrial Site, Columbia [SOLD]
- Thompson Meadows Industrial Park, Sedalia
- Trogdon Industrial Park, Republic [SOLD]
- Union Corporate Center, Union [SOLD]
- Washington County Industrial Park - South
- Windsor Place Industrial Park
Do I Qualify?
Communities interested in participating in the Missouri Certified Sites Program can access the application as well as a Resource Guide that includes instructions on how to find required information, samples and attachments. Questions about the Missouri Certified Sites Program can be directed to (573) 522-8004.
Missouri Certified Sites standards have been developed through partnerships with Missouri Economic Development Council, Ameren UE, Empire Electric, KCP&L, Missouri Electric Cooperatives and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.
How Do I Apply?
Upload Program Application(s) and Documents
The FTP is a file system that allows you to send large documents that are too big to go through email. Sending documents through FTP can also help you save space in your inbox!
To upload a file, please click the following link and enter the username and password provided below:
Username: ded.redevelopment
Password: BCSformupload2020
Need help? Click here.
A notification email confirming receipt will be sent to the email address listed in the application within 3 business days.
The original Application and attachments should be mailed to the address below:
Department of Economic Development
PO Box 118
Jefferson City, MO 65102