Community Development Block Grant funds used to purchase essential ventilators for State’s COVID-19 response

Together, the Missouri Department of Economic Development, State Emergency Management Agency, Department of Health and Senior Services, and the Office of Administration partnered with the Cole County Commission and Missouri Association of Councils of Government to provide Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to purchase 125 ventilators to aid in the statewide response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

 “I am so impressed by how Missourians are adapting and pulling together in the face of this challenge,” Governor Mike Parson said. “I want to thank the folks at Cole County and at MACOG for working with us to bring these critical supplies to our state.”

$2.8 million dollars in CDBG funding will be used for the purchase and distribution of the ventilators. The Missouri Department of Transportation will be distributing the ventilators based on need. The goal is to provide hospitals and first responders with the necessary equipment to perform life-saving measures.

“Our goal is to help our fellow Missourians and be a good partner during this time,” Cole County Western District Commissioner Kris Scheperle said. “Whether or not we receive those resources doesn’t matter. If it’s helping someone’s friend or family member, we know that it’s serving its purpose and our efforts were worthwhile.”

Ventilators are essential medical equipment used to help patients breathe while they fight COVID-19 or other respiratory diseases. They are in high demand as the number of cases in the country rises and hospitals prepare to take on more patients.

“These are truly unprecedented times that we are living in, and we are all trying to do our part,” Linda Conner, MACOG President and Executive Director of Lake of the Ozarks Council of Local Governments said. “We are taking action to provide equipment to our excellent hospitals and medical staff so they can give Missourians the best care possible. Missouri’s regional planning commissions are proud to be serving Missouri in this way.”