Applications were due to the Missouri Department of Economic Development by noon on July 26.
Do I Qualify?
How Do I Apply?
Need Help?
The NTIA Broadband Infrastructure Program selection process was launched on Monday, June 28, 2021. The focus of this grant program is to provide federal resources that help providers invest in building high-quality broadband infrastructure in unserved areas. The State of Missouri serves as a covered partnership and submitted one application that includes multiple project areas across the state to NTIA.
Do I Qualify?
Applicants eligible for grants awarded include:
Providers of fixed broadband service, including the following types of organizations, may be in a covered partnership with the State:
- Corporations, partnerships or limited liability companies registered in this state;
- Nonprofit organizations registered in this state that own and/or operate broadband networks;
- Political subdivisions of this state that own and/or operate broadband networks; and
- Rural electric cooperatives organized under chapter 394 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri and their broadband affiliates.
Eligible Service Area:
A census block(s) in which broadband service is not available at one or more households or businesses in the census block, as determined by the U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information on the basis of: (i) the maps created under section 802(c)(1) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 642(c)(1)); or (ii) if the maps described in subparagraph (i) are not available, the most recent information available to the Assistant Secretary, including information provided by the Commission.
Eligible Expenses:
Below are examples of use of the grant funds and matching funds:
- Costs of construction, improvement, and/or acquisition of facilities and telecommunications equipment required to provide qualifying broadband service, including infrastructure for backhaul, middle and last mile networks;
- Cost of long-term leases (for terms greater than one year) of facilities required to provide qualifying broadband service, including indefeasible right-of- use (IRU) agreements;
- Costs of engineering design, permitting and work related to environmental, historical and cultural reviews;
- Reasonable pre-application expenses.
How Do I Apply?
Need Help?
Complete information about the NTIA Broadband Infrastructure Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and FAQ can be found here. NTIA also made available a new public map demonstrating indicators of broadband need. The map may be helpful to providers seeking more information about possible project areas. Access the map here.
For additional broadband questions or more information, contact BJ Tanksley, Director of Broadband Development, at